If you’re familiar with my contributions here on DC.com, then you know that I love hunting for Easter eggs. Thanks to Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, I now have an entire city to go hunting in. The new DC video game features an open world version of Metropolis, and unsurprisingly, the city is full of fun references to DC lore. From fallen villains to flirty postcards, here are some of the cool things you might spot as you play Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

- First off, pay close attention to Task Force X’s inmate numbers. Each number corresponds with their first comic book appearance, listing the issue number, month and publication year. Harley Quinn is 12-09-93 (The Batman Adventures #12, September 1993), Captain Boomerang is 117-12-60 (The Flash #117, December 1960), Deadshot is 59-06-50 (Batman #59, June 1950), and King Shark is 001094 (Superboy #0, October 1994).
- If you’re a Kite Man fan, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is Kite Man is in the game! The bad news is he’s a corpse. As you make your way through Metropolis, you might notice a blood splattered kite on the side of a building. In my mind, Kite Man went out as a hero, fighting off Brainiac’s invasion. If I were a betting man, I would guess his last words were, “Hell yeah!”

- One of your missions will take you to Stanhope College, located at the edge of Midtown. Supergirl attended Stanhope College (in her guise as Linda Danvers) during the Pre-Crisis era of comics. The school made its first appearance in 1964’s Action Comics #318. The comic book version of the college was actually located fifty miles west of Metropolis (2011’s Supergirl #65).
- When you’re inside the Wayne Enterprises money vault, take a look around and you’ll spot some interesting things. Each postcard is signed “S.K.” and covered with lipstick kisses. This is probably Selina Kyle, unless Batman has been trading romantic pen pal letters with Stephen King.
- By the way, while you’re in the vault, be sure to check out the computer. If the map displayed onscreen seems familiar, that’s because it’s the same map of Gotham that was used in Batman: Arkham Knight.

- While you’re exploring the ruins of Metropolis, you’ll come across multiple coffee shops named Kesel Coffee. This is almost certainly a reference to longtime DC Comics writer Karl Kesel, who co-created King Shark.
- Speaking of Karl Kesel, the game sneaks in a reference to another one of his famous creations. A poster advertises a burlesque club known as the Boob Boom Room, featuring a dancer known as Knockout. Both Knockout and the Boom Boom Room made their debut in 1993’s Superboy #1. Years later, Knockout would become one of Task Force X’s many recruits.

- A few of the city’s posters advertise the Clock King Collection, a new line of watches which can be purchased in the Metropolis Diamond Exchange. Has Batman’s longtime nemesis gone legit, or is this some sort of scam? Clock King made his first appearance in 1960’s World’s Finest Comics #110.
- Metropolis is filled with posters advertising an upcoming appearance by the magician Zatanna. The iconic Justice League member made her first appearance in 1964’s Hawkman #4. Unfortunately, we suspect that performance has been canceled and you should probably contact the venue for a refund…if it’s even still standing.

- Batman’s Metropolis Batcave contains some trophies referencing the Dark Knight’s famous villains. This is in line with the comics, where Batman keeps souvenirs from some of his greatest battles. The Metropolis Batcave has the Scarface puppet, Anarky’s mask, a Riddler trophy, Mr. Freeze’s helmet and much more.
- While we’re talking about the Dark Knight, the Batman Experience is narrated by Jack Ryder, a name that should be familiar to fans of Rocksteady’s Arkhamverse. The investigative reporter (and occasional Creeper) has been a part of the franchise since Batman: Arkham Asylum. The original version of the character made his comic book debut in Showcase #73.
- When you’re making your way through the Bakerline neighborhood, look for 1938 Sullivan Place. This was the apartment building that Lois Lane and Clark Kent lived in after they got married. The apartment was a wedding gift from Bruce Wayne (Superman: The Wedding Album) and that building number is—you guessed it—a reference to the year of Superman’s creation.

- Speaking of Superman references, when you get to the Daily Planet building, feel free to take a look at Clark Kent’s desk. You’ll find some nice ones, including a framed photo of his parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent. Come to think of it, they would probably be a bit disheartened if they saw Clark’s actions in this game.
- While you’re in the Daily Planet, you’ll also find a poster advertising Siegel and Shuster typewriters. This, of course, is a reference to Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of Superman. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the typewriter has typed the word ‘Kltpzyxm.’ Longtime DC readers know that saying this phrase sends Mr. Mxyzptlk back to his home dimension.

- A few Clark Kent newspaper articles can be seen on the Daily Planet wall, including one on Batman’s debut in Gotham, and another on Lex Luthor’s presidential campaign. Lex Luthor announced his campaign for President in Adventures of Superman #581.
- Throughout the city, you’ll find graffiti art of Deathstroke’s head. Someone is tagging the city, letting them know that the fearsome mercenary is still out there. Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator, made his first appearance in 1980’s The New Teen Titans #2. By the way, if you keep looking around the city, you’ll also find graffiti referencing other villains like Black Manta and Peacemaker. We know that there will be additional villains added to the Squad lineup in the months ahead. Could any of these be among those future recruits? (We know which one our fellow DC.com writer Jules Chin Greene is likely hoping for!)

- Finally, we’ll end with two of the coolest and most important Easter eggs of all. Inside the Hall of Justice, there are plaques memorializing voice actors Kevin Conroy and Arleen Sorkin. Conroy was the longtime voice of Batman, playing the character in Batman: The Animated Series and Rocksteady’s Arkham games. He also provided Batman’s dialogue for Kill the Justice League, which was recorded before his death in 2022. Sorkin, who died one year later in 2023, was the original voice of Harley Quinn, a character who was created specifically for her. If it wasn’t for those two actors, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League would be a very different game—if it existed at all.
And that’s just some of what I’ve found so far! Every time I play the game, I find a cool new reference. With an entire city to explore, does it come as any surprise? If you’ve found any cool pieces of DC Comics lore, I want to know about it. Reach out to me on social media or post about it in the DC Community. See you out there in the ruins!
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is now available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.
Joshua Lapin-Bertone writes about TV, movies and comics for DC.com, is a regular contributor to the Couch Club and writes our monthly Batman column, "Gotham Gazette." Follow him on Twitter at @TBUJosh.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Joshua Lapin-Bertone and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.