Green Lantern Corps
“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power…Green Lantern’s light!”
Those are the words of the ancient oath that every member of the Green Lantern Corps, the most elite institution the universe has ever known, must speak aloud before doing their sacred duty and charging up their emerald power rings—the most powerful weapons in the universe. The members of this intergalactic police force come from every known sentient species in the cosmos, each a fearless warrior with indomitable willpower.
For over three billion years, the fabled Green Lantern Corps has been the keeper of the peace in the known universe, with a standing army of 7,200 members patrolling 3,600 sectors of space. Although there are other similarly powered Lantern Corps out in the universe, each drawing its power from a different color in the emotional spectrum, none is more respected or recognized than the Green Lanterns.
Although the Corps has had its ups and downs over the millennia—and, in fact, has been destroyed and rebuilt several times—they have remained a symbol of hope and justice in a universe fraught with chaos. Several notable Lanterns have risen from the planet Earth, including test pilot Hal Jordan, considered the greatest of all living Green Lanterns, as well as John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner and, most recently, new recruits Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz.
Character Facts
hard light constructs, instant weaponry, force fields, flight, durability, alien technology
First Appearance:
SHOWCASE #22 (1959)
Base of Operations:
Green Lantern Corps GALLERY
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