Mister Miracle

Mister Miracle

Raised on Apokolips, Scott Free experienced near constant pain and suffering throughout his early life. However, despite the brutality and violence inflicted upon him, his will never broke and he never gave up hope. He dreamed of escape. But to escape the unescapable, he would need a miracle—so he became Mister Miracle.

In order to stop the destructive and long-waged war between New Genesis and Apokolips, the benevolent Highfather agreed to a gesture of peace: he would exchange sons with Darkseid, effectively condemning his child to the hells of Apokolips. Darkseid turned Scott over to Granny Goodness's "Orphanage," where he was subjected to countless horrors and torture in an effort to destroy the goodness inside him, but Scott refused to surrender his innocence. Never physically powerful, Scott instead began training his mind—mentally distancing himself from the pain and sharpening his reason, logic and problem-solving abilities—turning him into an unparalleled and cunning thinker. When he finally made his escape, he succeeded through brain and not brawn, leaving behind the terror of Apokolips for life on Earth as the super hero Mister Miracle.

Mister Miracle shares a close and romantic relationship with his fellow New God Big Barda. The two met on Apokolips and quickly fell in love, despite their contrasting personalities. While Barda loves to fight and relishes battle, Scott is more peaceful and kind and simply wants to fit in and lead a normal life, much to Barda's chagrin. Their contrasting personalities but deep love for one another gives them one of the most unique relationships in the DC Universe.

Like all New Gods, Mister Miracle possesses beyond superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina and more. Along with his natural gifts, Mister Miracle carries a number of weapons and advanced Apokoliptian technology, including a Mother Box that can transfer energy, sense danger and life, create force fields, project shock-waves and open boom tubes for travel. He also utilizes personally modified Aero Disks that allow him to fly at speeds of over 200 mph and cling to walls and ceilings. Incredible intelligent and resourceful, Mister Miracle is most impressively known as the world's greatest escape artist, with the ability to escape from literally anything—even death.

Character Facts


master escape artist, super strength, combat skill, durability, advanced technology, teleportation, force fields

First Appearance:


Related Characters

Mister Miracle GALLERY



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